Homer Hockey Association

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Adult Hockey Programs


There are multiple ways for adults to enjoy hockey at the Kevin Bell Arena. From beginners to advanced, young to old, choose the option that best fits your hockey needs!

Offered each fall. Three days a week for three weeks of intensive instruction for brand new adult hockey players. Coached skills, drills, and hockey rules. Limited gear is available. Come see what all the fun is about!

For graduates of Hockey 101 and other novice players.  Drop in co-ed scrimmages are available. This program typically starts mid-season so check back later for dates, times, and registration information.

Weekend evening fun! Men and women are combined to create equal strength teams with two women on the ice per team at all times. This program provides a great compromise that allows for games slightly faster than Women’s hockey and slower than Men’s league. This league is typically rostered by invite only.

Noon hockey has historically been a great opportunity for relaxed paced hockey during normal lunch hours. Everyone is welcome for this relaxed pace, laid back scrimmage. Dates for the 2022-23 season are TBD.

Women’s hockey for newbies to advanced players. An extremely welcoming and fun group of ladies meeting for coached practices and scrimmages on Sundays and Thursdays. All skill and commitment levels are welcome, come join the fastest growing team in Homer.

We now have two divisions, intermediate and advanced, to suit your specific skill set. Ice times are offered once or twice weekly, depending on the time of year and ice availability. Intermediate  scrimmages are refereed, and the advanced scrimmages  are more of a pick-up style of hockey. Skating ability recommended. Games range from fast paced to not so fast depending on who shows up.